"I bought my Big 12 twelve years ago, but haven't made the progress I'd like or should. I've trained alone and feel if I had someone else to train with, I might have been more inspired and trained harder to acquire a Mr. America type of physique. What do you recommend?" E. B., Media, Pa. ANSWER:
Training with another can be inspiring but at times it can have its drawbacks. It's easy to become distracted or deviated into other things so that training is drastically cut or pushed aside, unless both or all are genuinely interested and train for the same purpose; to improve physically and be healthier.
By John Grimek
In the past, before there was a "gym on every corner," everyone trained at home and usually in strict secret. If any of your friends found out you were "trying to get muscles" this was a hard thing to live down, but the fact is even under such conditions men developed amazing physiques. Companionship is pleasant, especially if you can find someone with the same interests, and it's possible that you could interest one or two of your friends to train along with you. Or you can join the lifting club at the "Y" or perhaps join a gym if there is one within reach. But whatever decision you make there will be times when you will return to your solitary training "to get in a good workout!"
The biggest advantage of training with the others in a gym is the spirit of rivalry and competition it develops. This is particularly good in the case of actual weightlifting practice, and it is almost imperative that the ambitious lifter train with others. But in the case of bodybuilding there is an advantage, to-providing the gym director knows his subject thoroughly. He can keep the pupil from making too many mistakes, and direct him in developing body parts that he may have neglected. It is very easy for the home trainee to become enamored of a "pet" exercise and spend most of his time working on it, to the detriment of an all-round, symmetrical physique.
Another advantage of the supervised gym workout is that a card record is usually kept to check progress, and the exercises and poundages and reps are also listed on such cards. Following such a systematic program, the pupil usually will not "forget" a few key exercises, and thus is sure of a good workout. It is also easier to "keep going" that is, have energy and ambition enough to go through a full routine when training with others. But when the final results are init is up to YOU to do the training.
Only Ten Minutes a Day.
Just three brief 20 minute sessions per week-less than an average of ten minutes per day will build such reserves of energy, strength and endurance that you can breeze through your day's work and feel like playing and having real fun in the evenings. It will improve digestion, strengthen every muscle group, build internal organic strength and fitness. You will look like a million and feel even better than you look.
IF YOU WANT to feel better fast-the best pills you can take are iron pills! For thousands of our readers who simply want to feel better, look better and maintain a high standard
of physical fitness, Bob Hoffman's own personal Simplified Training System is the answer. This course is not intended to build massive muscles nor to produce weight-lifting champions, but will give anybody-man, woman or child-a new sense of superb health. It is easy to do, simple to understand, and will build a strong, perfectly proportioned body, and as thousands of pupils will testify you feel simply Wonderful!
Ideal System for Families, Clubs, Group Training
The whole family can train with a York Simplex; changes in poundage to fit the varying strength of each member of the group can be made simply and quickly with the York Wrenchless Easy-Change Collars. The Course is designed so few weight changes are necessary and thus this bell enables clubs and other groups to train in the same time usually taken by a single exerciser. The Sensible Training Principles embodied in this course are generally acknowledged by Physical Education Authorities as ideal for the average person.
JACK BLOOMFIELD, who conducts a fine barbell gym at 341 Halsey St., Newark, N. J., has had a long career as a strongman and wrestler. This photo shows him back in 1925 as he pulled a truck with his teeth as a part of his act with
Prell's Broadway Circus. Jack still works out with weights thrice a week, and pupils marvel at his magnificent physical condition at 62.
of a four-foot steel bar, with York Wrenchless Easy-Change Collars, and barbell plates of varying sizes to make up the full poundage. The famous Bob Hoffman Simplified System of Barbell Training is included.
All Prices F.O.B. Pennsylvania Residents add 3% Sales Tax.
70 Pound Simplex $13.95 100 Pound Simplex $17.95
125 Pound Simplex $21.45